Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anti Aging with Ganoderma Lucidum day 22 Replace coffee and sugar with Ganoderma

Day 22, in previous posts I concentrated more on physical effects of the Ganoderma. In this post I will concentrated more on increased mental capacity. This mental capacity manifests itself the most as a better concentration. For example, in the afternoons I will usually need extra coffee and sugar to keep me awake and alert. Since I started taking Ganoderma in the afternoons instead of coffee and sugar, the much needed afternoon boost comes solo, only from Ganoderma without any unnecessary  additional useless calories. Up to 30 minutes after taking Ganoderma my eyesight also somehow  becomes sharper. The colors more brighter and if reading something close up i don't have to bury my nose into it. Since increased blood flow means faster delivery of nutrients to the muscle, and a quicker removal of waste products, my guess is that this can apply to the eye muscles and tissue.
Again for Ganderma I am using the super-concetrated extract from www.GD100.net They gave a sale up till the end of August where you get shipping and handling free.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Anti Aging with Ganoderma Lucidum day 21

So here I am, day 21 of anti aging with Ganoderma Lucidum and I think that this is working....Maybe it's just my imagination but I do feel that I look a little bit younger. The best word is the one I used in my earlier posts, I do look fresher, like you do when you woke up after a nap, the blood is back into your head and you don't look tired anymore. The sagging of the facial muscles does not appear so pronounced as before.
My level of energy is as strong as before, and I am quite happy with it. I should make clear that for the last 15 years I am going to the gym on a almost daily basis. So I feel that I am in a good shape in general.

Every time I take Ganoderma Lucidum the blast of better circulation feels great. I am a type of person where after seating all day long my legs all swell up and it takes me more than 30 minutes of elevating my feet in order to get the blood from my legs back into my torso. Since I started taking Ganoderma this feeling is gone and if it does show up it takes me faster to recover.

My libido is still up from where is use to be before I started taking Ganoderma Lucidum.
I had a high expectations for my short term memory, i do forget why I left the room...It is my impression that right after I take Ganoderma the short term memory gets better but the lasting effects are little bit shorter than they are with circulation.
This is all for now, hope this helps someone.
For Ganoderma Lucidum I am taking a GD100 from http://www.gd100.net/. They have organic super-concentrated Ganoderma 1000 times more powerful than other supplements on the market.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Anti aging with Ganoderma Lucidum day 18 Coca Cola

18 days after and the same effects: increased circulation and appetite, increased mental capacity and libido :)
And then there was a moment where I had coca cola with my Ganoderma Lucidum. Well, it felt to me like I had triple express, I was wired for an hour or so. So far taking Ganoderma had a caffeine rush of a Yerba Mate. Very very gentle....But when put together with a coca cola, wow, it really carried a punch.
So even though it didn't have a negative effect I will stay away from coca cola and Ganoderma Lucidum combo.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Anti aging with Ganoderma Lucidum day 17 increased sex drive

Ok so I have been taking GD100 for days 17 now. Besides regular effects like increased circulation and increased appetite I started noticing and increased vitality which I may add it does reflect as an increase in my libido. It came as a surprising effect. Now that I think about it shouldn't be surprising at all. I mean this a vitality tonic and longevity enforcer and one of the major life forces is the sex drive. Expression my juices are flowing comes to mind. Apparently now that my system is getting detoxified with Ganoderma healthier version of myself  is emerging and my '' are becoming more pronounced.  I did some research on the internet and indeed found that there is a 'positive' connection Ganoderma and sex.
Maybe if you are a woman and need to increase your libido this is the way to go. As for the man I am not sure what will Ganoderma do for them :)
For best Ganoderma on the market visit GD100supplement GD100Supplement

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 16 Anti aging with Ganoderma Lucidum from www.GD100.net

Ok so here I am 16 days after and still going strong. Maybe it's me but my body feels firmer than before. It could be that I am just imagining things but I actually think that I look 'fresher'. And I started studying again with quite a concentration. I have a written test to pass for my driving school and let me tell you, I was into it last night. Still far away from becoming a cab driver but still, learned bunch of new things.
The increased appetite and circulation still remained. Circulation is so much better that  I feel a pleasant tingling in my feet and my body temperature becomes higher. They key is the circulation, GD100 does make my blood flow faster and from my legs into my head, which means that more fresh oxygen get distributed through my body and all the organs function better. The liver I suspect gets lots of action and can detoxify my body faster and so the regeneration of my tissues can go into overdrive mode. All this sounds good to me.
I still wish I could check my cholesterol it used to be very high, but Ganoderma Lucidum is known to strengthen the cardiovascular system
As for my sleeping patterns it seams like I need less sleep now than before, but I am actually talking about only two nights. So I can't make any meaningful conclusions yet about sleeing.
Will leave now with all this, more tomorrow

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 15 Anti Aging with Ganoderma Lucidum

GD100 is a supplement usually taken by cancer patients undergoing Chemo or Radiation therapy.
But in life you have to be creative and take the best that is out there. So I read about amazing power of Ganoderma Lucidum more info here: wiki-Ganoderma and found the best Ganoderma supplement is on www.GD100.net

In every day I am taking one pill of Ganoderma and then writing down my experiences. So far, I do believe that it increased my mental capacity, especially short term memory. I get almost caffeine jolt from Ganoderma and I get  a jolt of energy as well. It lasts a long time, up to 4 hours after the pill. Mind you I take only one. Now, I see why is this recommended to the patients undergoing chemo or radiation therapy. It does increase my appetite. I am taking a pill after lunch and as it turns out I get hungry again after I take a pill. And that is only 30 minutes after my lunch. And I am not talking about salad for a lunch either. I love going to the gym after I take GD100, it gives me a feeling of winning on two different fronts, the vitality and endurance fronts.
That is all for today, will keep bloging

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 12 of anti againg with Gd100 supplement (Ganoderma; Reishi; Lingzhi..)

So I am onto my day 12 with GD100 supplement. So far so good I say.
In addition to all the benefits I was noticing earlier like better circulation and mental capability I actually think that I look fresher. Like a plant after the rain.I almost wish there was a flue season so I can test my immune system.My sleeping is fine, as it was, no change there. However, one thing I would say is that I do have an impression that Ganoderma increases my appetite. I take it after lunch and it can not be that I get hungry again after a decent lunch. It makes sense that the chemo and radiation therapy patients are taking this supplement before, during and after anti-cancer therapy.
Speaking of which I found a nice article on Ganoderma Lucidum and it's effects on cancer patients I would like to share in here:
Side effects of radiation and chemotherapy – does it have to be this way?
Side effects of radiation and chemotherapy – it could be different!
Side effects of radiation and chemotherapy – it could be easier!
Side effects of radiation and chemotherapy – it could be more humane!

For a patient, knowing that he or she is suffering from a serious illness such as cancer, only adds to an already great psychological stress. Not only for the patient, but for the patients family and friends, as well. Cancer therapy is often combined - surgical procedures, chemotherapy and radiation. Chemotherapy and radiation do not kill only tumor cells but also cells of healthy tissue. Also they cause a serious side effects - nausea, vomiting, insomnia, tremors, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, apathy, fatigue, increased susceptibility to infections ...
All this greatly disrupts the quality of life for patients, and more importantly, prevents and delays the implementation of anti-tumor therapy.

Many studies have confirmed that bioactive substances in Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi, Lingzhi medicinal mushrooms) known for over 2000 years, show positive effects in combating adverse effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Ganoderma lucidum sites are rare and located in environmentally pristine areas. Ganoderma lucidum contains over 200 biologically active substances: polysaccharides, proteoglycans, triterpenes, organic germanium and adenosine.  They all operate in virtually all cells of the immune system in a precise manner; they have immunostimulative, anticancer and hepatoprotective effects. Active ingredients Ganoderma lucidum alleviate and eliminate side effects of anticancer therapy, enabling its implementation and significantly improving the quality of life for patients.
In developing medical products, special biotechnological process extracts oil from powder mushroom spores. The obtained oil has the maximum concentration and optimal bioavailability as well as the most advantageous utilization of active ingredients in Ganoderma lucidum.

By using Ganoderma lucidum preparations during chemotherapy and radiation, patients can achieve preservation of the blood, strengthening of the immune system and maintain vitality.

Blood Preservation: Ganoderma lucidum has a protective effect on bone marrow cells and blood. Preserving the number of red blood cells (RBC) prevents the occurrence of anemia, so patients do not feel fatigue, malaise, exhaustion. By preserving the white blood cells (leukocytes) the body's defense is also been preserved, thus reducing patients susceptibility to infections. By preventing a drop in blood platelets (thrombocytopenia) Ganoderma can reduce patients tendency to bleed from the nose and gums, can reduce amount of blood in the urine and stool, and prevent bruising.

Strengthening immunity: Ganoderma lucidum acts virtually on all cells of the immune system by maintaining their number and enhancing their activity, thus stimulating the body's natural defense against infection, which is especially important for patients with malignant disease. Ganoderma lucidum contains high concentrations of organic germanium (Ge132), triterpenes, polysaccharides, and adenosine. These substances are among the strongest stimulators of the immune system, allowing the body to effectively fight the disease.
Maintaining vitality: Ganoderma lucidum decreases vomiting and increases absorption of nutrients, regulates appetite, therefore the body weakness disappears, the will and the enthusiasm returns, and people are physically and mentally able to continue with chemotherapy and radiation. At the same time the increased absorption of nutrients prevents the loss of body weight and the development of cachexia.
Ganoderma lucidum preparations are used as an addition in the treatment of cancer, before, during and after chemotherapy and radiation. Ganoderma lucidum has proven to be safe during oral intake, and shows no toxicity.
Read phonetically

I hope you liked the article and learned something. If u think I can learn something about this elsewhere please let me know.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 10 Anti Aging with Ganoderma Lucidum

My philosophy lately is: do it like Chinese Emperors. Which means that I am treating myself with Ganoderma Lucidum as a vitality tonic, anti -aging and overall take this-you-good-for-nothing diseases. So far I can report that my nails are harder, my circulation is so much better and everytime I drink my GD100 Ganoderma Lucidum supplemet I feel as my sight has improved as well. It seams like I am seeing brighter and more defined colors.
In Chinese language lingzhi compounds ling means "spirit, spiritual; soul; miraculous; sacred; divine; mysterious; efficacious; effective" (cf. Lingyan Temple) and zhi "(traditional) plant of longevity; fungus; mushroom; excrescence". This is why I feel like Chinese Emperors, they were used to the best and I feel like I am taking the best Ganoderma Lucidum supplement GD100 (from www.GD100.net)
Judging by the Chinese language I am taking a divine supplement for longevity.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 9 Anti Aging with Ganoderma Lucidum

My GD100 supplement for anti-aging (got it from the www.GD100.net) is made with special technology and comes in a form of soft-gel. I am wondering if I open the soft-gel and use the liquid as a lotion on my skin what will be the effects? Will have to think abut it, today I am going to be on the safe side and swallow as usual. I just took one and it will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to start feeling something. In the mean time I am a firm believer that exercise and proper diet will do miracles for you. Also, I like doing facial exercises. I swear that they help, wish I could remember to do my exercises more often. Back to Ganoderma, never fails to increase my circulation and this is difficult to explain, the best I can do: I feel like my red blood cells are getting into full alert mode. Also, I am more thirsty after taking Ganoderma, I wonder about my apetite? Is it increasing as well? Not sure about this will have to wait and pay more attention in the next few days.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 6 Anti Aging with Ganoderma Lucidum

This is actually day 8 since I didn't post over the weekend. Ganoderma Lucidum extract is believed for the last
4 000 years to help people with their longevity and vitality. I am taking a super-concentrated extract from the www.GD100.net as a vitality boost. My highest hopes were that id would erase my wrinkles...however, it looks like GD100 works more on the inside of the body than on the outside. The increased circulation and the subsequent body heat are a great boost to my system. The extract is making me more alert. My short term memory is getting better.